Sunday, September 2, 2007

Are You Bogged Down With Too Many Goals?

As you evaluate your life you may find that you may have too many goals going at once. A good way to tell is if you find yourself being uptight, nervouse, stressful, and feeling out of control.

Most of us find it very easy to have too many things going at once. It doesn't take much too become out of balance. The hours in the day can fly right by and when you look back you find that you never accomplished close to what you wanted to.

There are no easy answers, but an awareness of the problem and the frustration
that you feel may be just what you need to begin to make some changes in your ife.

You may want to take some time, step back, and re-evaluate how your life is going. You may want to drop some things that have been consuming too much time and may be of little value, and increase some other things that are of more value.

Make sure that the goals you have are not too many in number, and that you maintain control of your goals on a daily basis. Balance is the KEY!

Best of Success

David Croston


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